Episode 43: The Gay Divorcee
Our hosts' first foray into the world of Fred and Ginger, The Gay Divorcee is a bit of a mixed bag, but at least it's an improvement over the last two weeks! The good: Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers sing and dance a bunch, Alice Brady plays a hilarious one liner machine named Aunt Hortense, and the sets are so beautiful the movie single handedly increased the sales of Venetian blinds (no, really). The bad: some outdated and frankly dangerous tropes, a frankly nonsensical plot, and a desperate attempt by the studios to, as David puts it, "Make fetch happen." Find out what he means on this week's episode!
Year Eligible: 1934 (Nominated)
Additional audio: “The Continental” from The Gay Divorcee (1934)
(Explicit language, as always)